Dr James Dick, of Space Insight Limited, has completed his chairmanship of Working Group 1 on Measurements of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC). The IADC is an advisory body which reports on space debris issues to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Chairing an IADC working group is a two-year appointment, which follows two years as deputy chair. Dr Dick has been the first representative of the United Kingdom to serve in these posts with the Measurements Working Group. British National Space Centre (BNSC) appointed Dr Dick to the UK delegation in1997 as a result of his expertise in space tracking.

Commenting on the completion of his two years chairing the Measurements Working Group, James Dick said: "It has been very interesting to see this inter-governmental forum in action and to help in progressing its work. As our understanding of the space debris phenomenon grows, it becomes clear that a truly international effort is needed to comprehend its extent and distribution.

“As chairperson of the Group, I have encouraged improved international collaboration in measuring the debris population, and it is good to see more members of the IADC participating in measurement activities,” Dr Dick continued. “The UK has been able to be part of these activities, and this year reported on debris found in the orbital region used by global navigation satellite systems like Galileo, GPS, and Glonass."

The incoming chairman, Dr Thierry Michal of Onera (Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aerospatiales), said: "The technical authority of James Dick and his continuous efforts to promote a real cooperation between scientists led to a significant improvement in the activity of the working group. It was a pleasure to work as co-chair with James and it's a great responsibility to have to replace him next year".

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